
5 Fun Ways to Make Math More Synergistic for Kids

Math assignments are anything but fun for most youngsters. While this shouldn’t be the case, but there’s a common taboo regarding math as a subject. The numbers and their equations often make the young souls seek easy resorts in the form of using math problem solver and the likes. Having said that; there’s nothing like being able to work on math assignments on your own.

Now, in most cases, parents are often seen to be worked up as they try to figure out avenues and ideas that will portray math on a lighter note. This insightful blog focuses on how to make the subject matter more fun and interactive for the young brigade.

Here’s everything you need to know.

Keep the “Fear” factor at bay

First things first, you have to pluck the anxiety out of math assignments. The youngsters shouldn’t find the subject too convoluted in nature. Rather, they should understand that getting the hang of mathematical equations is a quintessential part of their lives.

Here’s how you can streamline this intricacy.

  • Try and relate math to real-life instances.
  • Assign math projects based on daily chores.
  • For example, you can ask your children to perform simple equations and help you keep a count of the daily grocery list.
  • This will both keep things relatable and interactive for the youngsters.
  • Also, you can try and encourage kids to participate in solving math word puzzles and other activities.

The idea is to keep things interactive and less tiring for kids to go about. Creating a sense of fear and complicacy while math assignments will only backfire in a way you would never like.

Introduce reward system for kids

The young souls are always up for something exciting or the other. So, how about introducing a couple of amazing reward systems for them? That way, they will develop more interest in solving math puzzles twice faster and more efficiently.

Here are some easy hacks for you.

  • Assign them a series of math problem sums and allow them extra playtime on successful completion of the project, flawlessly.
  • Also, you treat your ward to their favorite cuisines at home or probably allow them to spend an extra hour watching their favorite cartoon series.
  • In addition, you can simply keep appreciating your kid’s efforts and encourage them to overcome more of such math problems in the future.

After all, a pat on the back acts like medicine and an amazing cure for the youngsters going through Math anxieties. So, keep encouraging every small effort the kids would make and gift them a simpler and less stressful tomorrow.

Clarify the basic ideas and fundamentals

This is again one criticality you must acknowledge in an endeavour to make Math fun and interactive for the kids. Unless the young ones are aware of the fundamentals of mathematical equations, they cannot add perfection to their projects.

So, take note of the following ground rules and make sure to elaborate on the same to your children.

  • The volume of cuboid = length × width × height
  • The perimeter of a square = 4 × side length
  • The volume of cuboid = length × width × height
  • Loss = Cost price – selling price
  • Area of rectangle = length × width

Once the youngsters would get the hang of each of the aforementioned fundamentals of math equations, things would automatically appear to be easier than before.

Introduce technology in homework

According to reports, 2 in 3 children having a phone use Smartphone device. 34% of children use tablets. Especially, pertaining to the devastating pandemic, tech usage has hit a new high altogether. So, there’s no harm in instilling the importance and ethical use of tech-based devices among kids.

This will not only make things interactive but shall also make the young ones tech-savvy.

Here are some easy suggestions that might come in handy.

  • Teach your wards how to utilize the fullest potential of math word problem solvers safely.
  • Also, you can guide them to navigate multiple academic websites to seek instant and effective math homework help.
  • Introduce the use and significance of scientific calculators and how one can use the same effectively.

However, make sure to monitor and confirm that your wards are a part of the emerging tech trends in an ethically safe way.

Stop making toxic comparisons

Hey! Have you seen how your mates are doing?” “Why can’t you?” Conversations like these will only demotivate the kid and make him/her less confident of approaching and perfecting the math assignment. So, you, as a parent or a supervisor have to be careful here. Do not ever draw direct comparisons and vent out your frustration on somebody who is just a kid.

When your wards are going through a learning phase, you will find them failing and trying to cope up with the competition many a time.

These are the moments when you should focus on their mental health and urge them to approach complex Math assignments in the following ways.

  • Even if you find the young soul struggling to understand a simple math equation, do not lose patience.
  • Rather, ask him/her to take a break and focus on other projects for the time being.
  • Do not come up with strict compulsions in terms of solving math problems.
  • If the kid is not able to derive accurate solutions, show them how to go about the intricacy instead of being preachy.

To End With,

All in all, Math, as a subject, isn’t as difficult as it appears to be. It’s nothing but a mental blockage. The fear or the anxiety factor related to this subject matter is a farce. Once their intellect and logical reasoning abilities are out of the closet, the kids can win over any math problem under the sun.

So, let’s hope for a smarter and better tomorrow for the generation ahead.


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