
How to Extend the Lifespan of Your Furnace and Avoid Costly Repairs


A furnace is a significant investment that keeps your home comfortable throughout the cold months. If properly maintained, it can last for up to two decades. However, failing to take care of your furnace can lead to costly repairs, decreased efficiency, and even early replacement. Simple steps, such as regular inspection, cleaning, and filter replacement, can help to keep your furnace running smoothly. This blog will discuss the various ways to extend the lifespan of your furnace and avoid a costly furnace repair.


Schedule regular maintenance


Regular maintenance is the first and most crucial step to ensure your furnace runs efficiently. The easiest maintenance you can perform is to change your furnace filter every 30-90 days, depending on usage. A dirty or clogged filter can overwork your system and cause it to malfunction. Regular system inspection by a heating and cooling technician is another maintenance step you should take once a year. This inspection includes checking your heat exchanger, flame sensor, and blower motor.


Set thermostat correctly


Your thermostat controls the temperature of your home. Regularly check your thermostat to ensure it works correctly. You can do this by setting it to your desired temperature and monitoring if your furnace shuts off when it reaches the set temperature. Incorrect thermostat settings increase your energy bills and reduce your furnace’s lifespan.


Improve airflow


One of the most common causes of furnace issues is a lack of airflow. You can improve airflow by ensuring no furniture or curtains block your heating vents. It’s also vital to keep your furnace clean and free of debris to ensure proper airflow. Avoiding clutter around your furnace also decreases the risk of fire.


Clean and lubricate furnace components


The furnace blower motor and housing should remain clean and adequately lubricated. Lubricating your furnace keeps its moving components from grinding against each other, causing damage. A qualified heating and cooling technician can identify the right kind of lubricant and apply it to the moving parts of your furnace.


Pay attention to unusual noises


Unusual noises from your furnace, such as banging, rattling, or screeching, could indicate a problem. Pay attention to these noises and call your heating technician to solve your furnace’s issues. Procrastinating can worsen the problem and cause your furnace to shut down.


Keep these tips in mind, and you can significantly extend the lifespan of your furnace and avoid costly repairs. Your furnace is an essential part of your home, so take care of it, and it will take care of you. Don’t wait until winter to check on your furnace; start now and have a warm and comfortable home all year round.


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