
Can Dogs Drink Alkaline Water


You are not the only one who has been pondering whether or not dogs can drink alkaline water. Many individuals are interested in learning about right?


Due to this, I have decided to come up with a detailed blog addressing whether dogs can drink alkaline water or not. So, without discussing any additional thing, let’s head towards the answer.


Can Dogs Drink Alkaline Water?


Yes, dogs can drink alkaline water, but o put it briefly, dogs can safely drink alkaline water as long as they don’t use it to swallow medications, drink it right before or right after dinner, or drink it while being breastfed. For further details on all of those disclaimers, see the following:


1. Medicine:


Alkaline water has the ability to counteract stomach acid, which aids in your canine’s food digestion and medicine absorption. It is advisable to refrain from feeding your pooch alkaline water if they are on any medications.


2. Meals:


Similar to humans, if alkaline water is used right before or right after eating, it may cause stomach issues. It is advisable to give your dog alkaline water for a minimum of an hour after they have eaten.


3. Nursing:


Mother’s milk can have its pH altered by alkaline water, which will reduce its nutritional value for puppies. It’s advisable to stay away from providing your nursing dog with alkaline water.


Is Alkaline Water Safe to Consume For Dogs?


Dogs can safely consume alkaline water in many cases, according to Naturopress, makers of ionizers and purifiers for alkaline water. However, under the following circumstances, giving dogs alkaline water is not advised:

  • Before and after the meal
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  • Take Medication
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  • While Nursing
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This is because acidic stomachs can cause problems with the metabolism of drugs; alkaline water can counteract this effect. If taken with food or milk, it may potentially reduce the efficiency of absorption or nutrition.


Does Alkaline Water Have Any Health Advantages For Dogs?


Yes, alkaline water has plenty of health advantages. Some dog owners truly think that providing their dogs with alkaline water has health advantages. Alkaline water is supposed to help lower the possibility of acidity-related health issues, like kidney or urinary tract infections.


Additionally, it might support dogs’ general health and aid in neutralizing the body. Additionally, some people think that by lowering inflammation and strengthening the body’s defenses, alkaline water can benefit their dog’s well-being.


Moreover, having more energy, having healthier skin and coat, and feeling better are some possible indicators of better health.


Factors to Consider When Offering Alkaline Water to Dogs:


There are several factors to consider when offering alkaline water to dogs, some of them are as follows:


1. Age & Condition of the Dog:


Teen Dogs have different hydration needs as compared to adult ones. Dogs with certain health conditions, such as kidney disease and urinary tract infections, may require specific types of water, like filtered water.


It is quite important to consider the individual needs of your dog before offering alkaline water.


2. Consultation with a animal professional:


Before adding alkaline water into the diet plan of your dogs, it is advisable to consult with your vet. They can provide guidance on whether it is appropriate to offer to your dog or not.


3. Monitoring Dog’s Response:


Another factor to consider when offering alkaline water to dogs is to monitor the dog’s response. It is quite important to monitor your dog’s response to alkaline water. Some dogs may not tolerate alkaline water well and may experience digestive problems.


If your dog shows any signs of discomfort after drinking alkaline water, stop using it and consult with your vet.


These are some of the factors that must have take into the consideration before giving alkaline water to dogs.  


How to Make Water Perfectly Alkaline for Dogs


There are a number of ways through which you can make your home’s water perfectly alkaline water for dogs.


1. Make use of a water ionizer:


This is the very first way through which you can make water alkaline. A water ionizer efficiently alters the pH level of water with the help of the electrolysis process. It will separate your home water into alkaline and acidic components.


You can then provide the separated alkaline water to your beloved pet. However, keep in mind that water ionizers can be expensive and may also require professional installation.


2. Install an alkaline water filter:


This is more effective and also the recommended way to make water alkaline. All you have to do is to invest in a good alkaline water filter. It will not only make your home’s water alkaline but also remove toxic contaminants or impurities from it.


3. Add some alkaline drops:


After reading the heading name, you will have an efficient idea of what I am going to discuss here. Alkaline drops are easily available drops specially designed to raise the pH level of normal water.


These drops contain minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and many more that will increase the alkalinity of regular water.


Note: While adding alkaline drops, be careful about their dosage; if it exceeds the recommended limit, it can be dangerous for your dog’s health.


4. Add baking soda:


This is the final way through which you can make water alkaline for dogs. Baking soda, also commonly known as “Sodium bicarbonate,” can also be used to increase the alkalinity of water. Just like alkaline drops, you also need to take care of its dosage as well. A little increase in the amount of baking can cause discomfort in your dog’s stomach.


So, these are some of the ways that you can use to make the water alkaline for your pet.


Wrapping up


Dogs can drink alkaline water if the water has moderate alkalinity. If the water has too much alkalinity, it can pose serious negative effects on your dog’s health. In this blog post, I have tried my best to cover every essential detail when it comes to the question of whether dogs can drink alkaline water or not.


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