Immunity-Boosting Superfoods that Help You Fight Covid-19

Immunity-Boosting Superfoods

Immunization is the best way to prevent infections and to secure your health. There are many ways
to give the immune system a boost to keep us healthy, but which foods should you be consuming?
Some foods can actually suppress your immune system, so it is important to avoid these foods if
you trying to stay healthy and fight off infectious outbreaks.
Fortunately, there are tons of different foods like mixed dry fruits online out there that can help you
maintain a healthy immune system and give you the nutrition that your body needs. Here is more on
which of these immunity-boosting superfoods may just help you get rid of this dreaded disease.

Daily Power Booster by healthy master

A boost of immunity is exactly what we need when we get sick. To fight against germs, we need
our immune system to be on point and at its best. The less vulnerable we are to sicknesses, the
better our chances are. But there are certain food sources that can help us to achieve maximum
efficiency in fighting off the viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi, even toxic substances are lurking all
around us. It comes packed with 23+ ingredients and is a doctor recommended!
It comes with high protein, fiber, and energy.


Seeds are this year’s new superfood. You ll find them in everything from protein bars to innovative
juices and smoothies. Nutritionally, seeds are the most concentrated food source we have for
essential fatty acids and contain a healthy combination of fiber and protein — and if that is not
enough to convince you, some also offer the benefits of antioxidant-rich oils and heart-healthy
monounsaturated fats. While they are technically not vegetables, they definitely worth considering
adding to your list.

Dry Fruits

Online dry fruits are highly nutritional foods. Not only do they contain good fats, proteins,
carbohydrates, fibers, and phytonutrients but they are also beneficial for the immune system, heart
health and lower the cholesterol levels in the body. While most superfoods are considered
Rich in vitamins and minerals, some of them are also known to boost the immune system. Dry fruits
have been a part of our daily diet since ancient times, but only recently have they become a hot
favorite among the health-conscious population.


Millet contains niacin, selenium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, and vitamin B-6. Rich in energy-providing carbohydrates, this cereal grain lowers the risk of high cholesterol levels and high blood

pressure. Pairing millet with legumes like beans to make porridge also improves the quality of the
protein content for greater nutrition.


Ragi is a superfood for ages, in India. Ragi is a very rich source of calcium, phosphorus, iron, and
vitamins in an easily absorbable form. In fact, it is considered the wonder food of ancient times.
Ragi carries medicinal properties like anti-hypertensive (prevents high blood pressure),
hypoglycaemic (reduces the level of sugar in the blood), anti-inflammatory (prevents inflammation),
antioxidant (protects us from free radicals), etc.

Ragi, the original wonder grain because it helps to boost your immunity. Ragi helps you get back on
your feet again when you are suffering from an illness. It does this by strengthening your body’s
resistance to disease and infection.

Ragi is one of the first grains cultivated among the earliest tribes of India, and it has played an
important role in Indian culture and cuisine ever since. This low-calorie food has high amounts of
insoluble fiber and has been on the list of superfoods for some time now. It is also known as millet and is used as a remedy for a number of health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and arthritis.

Also Check: ideal magazine

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