
Let Know Current Khula and Divorce Procedure in Pakistan 2022

Divorce Procedure in Pakistan

Current Khula and Divorce Procedure in Pakistan:

To know the current divorce procedure in Pakistan or khula procedure in Pakistan, you may contact Jamila Law Associates. Minor was growing up properly and getting a proper education in a private school. Minor was living with his mother since birth and had developed love and affection for her. Disturbance in custody at this stage would psychologically tell upon his personality in the future under the divorce procedure in Pakistan or khula procedure in Pakistan. No substitute for a birth mother. The lap of the mother was the cradle of God. The Divorce in Pakistan is Right of Wife After Know the Divorce procedure in Pakistan. Take Free Advice On Divorce Law in Pakistan & Divorce procedure For Overseas Pakistani Online


Remarriage of the mother, ipso facto, would not disentitle her from retaining the custody of the minor. The poverty of the mother was no ground to disentitle her from the control of the child. Islamic divorce procedure in Pakistan or khula procedure in Pakistan was subservient to the welfare of the child. The petition was allowed. Application of Father for custody of minor was dismissed. They were determining factors. Guardian Court dismissed the mother’s application for custody of the minor daughter and handed over the little control to paternal uncle and aunt.

Appellate Court:

Appellate Court accepted the mother’s appeal, and it handed over possession of the minor daughter to her. In the absence of Father, the mother was the minor’s natural guardian as she could better look after the little daughter who was approaching the age of puberty. No substitute for the love and affection of a birth mother. Mother had not contracted second marriage and had devoted her life for the sake of her children. Where minors reached the age of discretion, their statement could be considered while determining custody, but it was not sine qua non for Court’s decision under the divorce procedure in Pakistan or khula procedure in Pakistan.

Khula Procedure in Pakistan:

Regarding the divorce procedure in Pakistan or khula procedure in Pakistan the welfare of the minor was the supreme consideration in custody study matters. The birth mother could not be deprived of the custody of her little children younger sister of the minor also lived with the mother. The voltage of minors required t was merely on the ground that she did not have a good source of income. You know that they should all live together in one place. Petition or paternal uncle and aunt dismissed. Ok, Courts below handed over custody of minor to instead. Courts below into consideration the second marriage of mother and age or minor.

Custody of Minor:

While deciding Custody of minor, welfare of a little, and nothing else, was the paramount inner in the divorce procedure in Pakistan or khula procedure in Pakistan. Courts below were not justified in disturbing the custody of minor had Father admitted that ‘suit for recovery of maintenance allowance of the minor her been decreed against him. A birth mother could not be deprived of her son due to second marriage.

Father applied for custody of the minor after the passing of a decree of maintenance allowance against him under the divorce procedure in Pakistan or khula procedure in Pakistan. Father was least interested in the welfare of a minor. Instead, he applied for custody of the minor to be frustrated with the decree of maintenance allowance passed against him. Minor was growing up properly and getting a proper education in a private school.

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