Exercises to Try at Home That Will Improve Your Health and Fitness.

Too many people are still getting sick from poor health and fitness. If you’re struggling with obesity, diabetes, or anything else too, now you know why. You need to start exercising and eating better to reverse your condition. But what can you do about it? Here are some things that may help you get started:

-Ankle Circles: A quick exercise for the most important part of your leg–your ankle.

-Elliptical Machine Stretch: The elliptical machine is a good way to improve flexibility in your legs and hamstrings without straining yourself too much.

-Wall Sit: This exercise will strengthen your knees and lower back muscles while improving your balance and proprioception.

-Toe Touch Crunches: This easy-to-use exercise will test how strong your abdominals are while strengthening your back muscles blaze at the same time.

Exercises to Try at Home That Will Improve Your Health and Fitness

Ankle Circles: A quick exercise for the most important part of your leg–your ankle.

Elliptical Machine Stretch: The elliptical machine is a good way to improve flexibility in your legs and hamstrings without straining yourself too much.

Wall Sit: This exercise will strengthen your knees and lower back muscles while improving your balance and proprioception.

Toe Touch Crunches: This easy-to-use exercise will test how strong your abdominals are while strengthening your back musclesblaze at the same time.

Ankle Circles

To perform this exercise, first, stand with your feet together and put your right leg back behind you. Then tuck the ball of your right foot into the heel of your left foot. Next, draw circles with the ball of your foot in the heel of your left foot for about 30 seconds. Repeat with the other leg.

Elliptical Machine Stretch

This exercise will improve flexibility in your legs and hamstrings without straining yourself too much. To do this, you’ll need the elliptical machine. Begin by working your way up to a speed of 10-13 mph on the elliptical machine for about 5 minutes. While you’re at the top speed, move on to the incline position and hold it for about 45 seconds before returning back to level. As soon as you finish that, go back down to the starting position and do another 5 minutes at a lower speed with an incline before going back up to a higher speed with an incline again. This should take around 15 minutes total.

Wall Sit

In this exercise, you will stand with your back to a wall and place your hands on the wall at shoulder height. As you inhale, lean into the wall while raising your rear end off of the ground. At the top of your inhale, pull your belly button in as you bend forward at the waist. Then exhale and return to a standing position by pressing back into the wall on your next inhale. Repeat for one minute.

Toe Touch Crunches.

Toe Touch Crunches will test the strength of your abdominals while strengthening your back muscles. You can do this exercise with either a dumbbell or by holding onto something stable, like a wall. Choose one leg to use for the crunch and bend it so that you’re leaning against the wall with your weight on that foot. Then, use the hand on the same side as your crunching foot to place your top hand in front of your face and to hold onto something for balance. 

While keeping your balance, lift the other leg off the ground until you feel a stretch in your abs. Keep holding this position for 10 seconds before lowering it back down to the ground. Repeat this movement 10 times before switching legs and doing 10 crunches on each leg.


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